Friday, August 17, 2012

I Think He Put His Foot Down

Just a little background on me. I have an addiction to regular Coca-Cola. Only, it doesn't like me one bit. Besides the every irritating heartburn it gives, it contains caffeine, which my brain can't handle too well. My poor brain got miswired on several things. When I was pregnant, instead of throwing up for morning sickness, I had sneezing fits. I took an Adderall once and was stoned for the rest of the day. Caffeine? Well, too much makes me tired and the slightest bit will cause me to have memory problems. But I love my Coke!!! It's not fair!!!

Today, while trying to get the house in some semblance of order, I got a headache and whined to Hubby to bring home Advil. I later confessed that I thought it was a caffeine headache and after some questioning, I confessed that I had indeed been having Coke in the mornings. He gave me a little talking to. It wasn't enough to make me upset, but it did get my attention because he's never talked to me like that before. He was matter-of-fact with a dominant quality I've never heard out of him. He didn't say this, but I think he may consider this a spankable offense. Therefore, I am off the Coke. No more for me. I don't want to risk a real punishment spanking.

It's just so yummy. Oh Coke, I will miss you so. Sad, sad me...


  1. It can be so hard to give up our vices, even if we know it's bad for us. It seems he's stepped up to help you overcome the problem. I think it's great that you've gone off it yourself though, without him actually making it a rule. Good luck and hang in there!

    1. I'm not really fond of giving it up but I know, and he knows, that staying away from it is better for my health and less frustrating for all those who have to deal with me.

  2. I think maybe he did too! No, this is not something you want to be punishable in the long term.

    It is pretty amazing how those "talking to's" can be so motivating!

    1. I totally didn't expect him to do that and I definitely didn't expect my response to it. Being a submissive wife has really made a huge change in how I respond to him.

  3. I used to guzzle Diet Coke from the time I got up in the morning until I went to bed. The first few weeks after giving it up were pretty rough. It was worth it though, I feel better and have saved a ton of money!

    1. My habit is long seated and I've been fighting the urge to sneak one. It's just killing me. Ugh!
